Risen from the ashes, or possibly the ashtray, of the quintet Feetfetish and the quartet Salk, the Limburg-based threesome with current or former members of, among others, Vandal X and Flipo Mancini, produce a completely unique sound, with guitars referring to both postpunk and the guitar-bands of the 80s, but also with intelligent lyrics in Dutch, delicately analyzing the absurdity of our present-day society.
Since their inception in 2016, the band have, in collaboration with the independent label Wagonmaniac, released four EP's, called respectively '1', '2', '3' and, yes, '4'. That's not all, however, because once the pandemic emptied out their concert schedule, they returned to the studio for the recordings of the EPs '5' and '6', which were released as a full album in April 2024.
Bookings for: Europe