It's very fitting none of the band members remember the actual date, but somewhere near the end of 1984 or the beginning of 1985 a few dedicated followers of garage rock join forces and form a band called The Spanks.
The next few years are spent both in the recording studio, bestowing upon the world three EP's, a single, an LP and a CD, and on hundreds of stages in various European countries, from sleazy pubs to major festival grounds. In 1992, the band takes a long break which will, excluding a few sporadic reunion shows, last until 2022.
Now, the band is back in full force, ready to transform every stage into a punky rock'n'roll party. Original guitar player Jan and original drummer Bart are joined by new faces Mike, former frontman of local punk heroes Sunpower, and Willy, former bass player in several underrated Belgian bands like Failling Fellows or The Japs.
Bookings for: Europe