
Below you can find a calendar with all European concerts and other events involving the artists we work with. We try to keep this information up-to-date, but in order to get all practical info, it's always a good idea to check out the website of the promoter or the event as well.
Since 01/10/2024, we no longer add concerts by non-Belgian artists in countries where we don't represent them. This information can, of course, still be found on their own websites and social media.

A list of past concerts can be found here.

- Pod Parou, Olomouc, Czech Republic
Conflict will be the headlining on this second day of the festival.
- Pod Parou, Olomouc, Tsjechië
999 will be headlining on the final day of the festival.
- Distruggi la bassa, Ferrara, Italy
A festival full of punk bands, spread across two days. Conflict is headlining on the first day.Amateurs of the better Belgian noise can also enjoy Hetze, just mentioning this as a tip for those who don't already know them.
- Down the hill, Rillaar
The Bevis Frond is one of the many bands appearing on this year's edition.
- Encore, Stockholm, Sweden
Conflict is more than happy to present their new album in the capital of Sweden.